I'm still alive. Sorry about the long, unannounced hiatus. Truth is, life had me a little stressed out, but the worst is over. There was a death in Kyle's family. Our wedding was postponed. Funding for my position at work would run out soon. I interviewed like a madwoman. Went on a trip. Won a prize from the Whiplash recycled crafts competition. Celebrated a birthday. Interviewed some more. Led a team effort in a project for the first time. Worked my butt off. Pleased the people on top. Received an offer for an interesting position elsewhere. Got a call from my current employer. Was offered a different position and a raise. Couldn't figure out what to do. Lost sleep. Finally decided. I think.
But I haven't yet mentioned the most significant thing that happened to me these past few weeks. Kyle and I are now proud parents! Meet our baby, Oscar.
He was gifted to us as an engagement present from some friends of mine. And I love him so. How can you not love him? He's a ruby-eyed Netherlands dwarf. He used to be about half this size, but alas, we never had a chance to take baby pictures of him. He grows so fast! Just days after he joined our family, we went on a previously planned trip to Minneapolis (the top picture of the frozen lake was taken there), leaving our little bunny in the care of a friend. We came back to a, erm, slightly bigger bunny, hehe. But that means all the more bunny to love, right?
At any rate, it's good to be back. I've a lot of catching up to do. Can't wait to see what everyone has been crafting these past few weeks. As for me...I see a lot of bunny-inspired projects in the future.